My Blog 

Articles about sexual abuse in our community.

Have I got some photos for you

Have I got some photos for you

As a man I honestly can't ever remember taking a picture of myself and sending it to someone.  How someone takes it to the next level and starts  taking pictures of parts of themselves that people don't normally see is beyond me.  It does seem...

The Report Is In

The Report Is In

A definitive report of over 150 pages by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops basically indicates that sexual abuse by priests is a problem from decades past, and was really a symptom of societal dissent from the Vietnam era.   Also, any associations...

When you can’t protect your kids

When you can’t protect your kids

When you get married most people start off with a short list of things that you promise to do that usually ends with “til death do you part”.  It gets modified based on personal preference and believes but it is still a part of the standard contract.  Fatherhood has a...

Police sex offenders

Police sex offenders

If you are wondering if there is such a thing as police sex offenders, the answer is yes. This is probably the ultimate contradiction. Sadly, we are no longer surprised when another priest is found to be abusing children. When a police officer is accused of being a...

Making kids safe

Making kids safe

April is National Sexual Abuse Prevention Month.  Perhaps you didn't get the memo.  I hadn't heard of it prior to about 8 years ago.  I thought I hadn't been paying attention, but sadly it is 1/12 of the year that goes by largely unnoticed.  Breast...

Sitting on a Catholic Fence

Sitting on a Catholic Fence

The Catholic church needs to get clearer on who it serves.  The latest story out of the Philadelphia area has 21 priests suspended and as many as 37 additional with credible sexual abuse allegations remaining in active ministry positions.   There...
