As a man I honestly can’t ever remember taking a picture of myself and sending it to someone. How someone takes it to the next level and starts taking pictures of parts of themselves that people don’t normally see is beyond me. It does seem to be a popular trend though, especially among people have a lot to use. So what possesses someone in a position of power to do something this obviously stupid?
Rules are for others
The answer is pretty simple. The rules don’t apply to them. Just ask them – they will tell you. Maybe not directly, but actions often speak louder than words. They are in a position of power, so what better way to prove that than do something that others can’t do. This is an oversimplification for those of us who try to follow society’s rules. Combine this with enjoying the thrill of skating on thin ice and you have a unique cocktail for someone who has their own sense of morality.
People who don’t acknowledge society’s rules, tend also to not have a conscious about their actions. They can beat a polygraph and generally don’t understand what is wrong with their behavior. So whether it is pictures, or touching, or more, they believe they are entitled. As long as there is power, and people who feel this puts them in a different place relative to the rest of humanity, there will be abuse.
Let us know if we can help you dealing with your family’s sexual abuse situation. For ideas to get started please check out our book on what to do during the early days after disclosure.